Monday, February 1, 2016

I've been advised by both weavers and adoptive parents to start a blog of our progress/process.

With both processes you often forget much of what you have gone through once you are done.

So here is where I will dump my brain; the joys, triumphs, and pains. Hopefully much of the former two and little of the latter. This will be real, and mostly uncensored.

My husband Patrick and I have had adoption on our hearts since before we had our own biological children. Our youngest Isaiah is 19 months, finally reliably sleeping through the night (Praise God!), we own our home, and we don't want our kids to have too much age-spread. So with prayer and much fear we have signed up for what amounts to college-level courses in child care and mental health sponsored by the Lake County Child and Family Services. Will we make it through? We don't know. We are taking a step in faith that we both feel called to.

On the other side of my coin is my weaving and sewing. Crafting keeps me sane and fulfills a lot of my mental needs.

I am working on two warps currently. One of which is for the Competition of Babywearing Weavers, with two more in planning stages or being measured. I have a sewing project list as long as my arm.

Life is hectic and messy and tiring. And I feel the days slipping away. I look into my babies' faces and see the self-sufficient little people they are becoming. I want it to go faster, and I want it to stay right here, right now forever.

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